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Why crypto isnt gambling.1, will crypto rise if inflation rises

Why crypto isnt gambling.1


Why crypto isnt gambling.1


Why crypto isnt gambling.1


Will crypto rise if inflation rises

So, as inflation continues to rise, where do cryptocurrencies and inflation cross paths? what is inflation? inflation is when the decreasing value of a currency, like the us dollar,. Department of labor released new data today showing a 0. 6% increase in the consumer price index (cpi) for august. This is the largest monthly rise in u. Inflation so far this year. The report showed that prices have gone up by 3. 7% compared to august of last year, slightly higher than what economic analysts had predicted. The world’s largest cryptocurrency, bitcoin, is now hovering around the much-restricted levels of $25,947 as of september 13, 2023, after touching the $31,000 mark on july 04, 2023. When inflation or interest rates start going up more than expected, it reduces the current value of the future stream of earnings. The market already suspected they were on the way, but a speech last week from federal reserve chairman jerome powell has confirmed that the central bank will indeed raise rates in march, and that the high inflation such a hike is intended to combat “will be prolonged. Unfortunately, if sustained, rising inflation is often not good for investors

Why crypto isnt gambling.1

Only because 95 plus percent of people treats crypto futures as blindly bet without any relevant ta, risk management, and strategies knowledge does not mean it is gambling. The average person cannot profit from futures contracts, but the average person also cannot be a professional football player. An influential panel of mps has called on the government to regulate consumer crypto trading and speculation as a type of gambling. Crypto gambling at online casinos is slowly becoming the new norm of the casino industry. Now and then, new crypto casinos are being established, allowing users to wager with cryptocurrencies. A survey from chainalysis, a blockchain analytics company, found that there are about 70 crypto-friendly casinos currently operating, and that they’ve received an estimated $2. Gamcare, which runs the national gambling helpline, said it fields about 20 calls a week related to crypto. Crypto is a 24 hours a day and 365 days a year gambling casino. If we’re calling it as an investment, we’re just lying to ourselves. This ignores there are actually uses for coins beyond their value as a currency. I do think it's a fair criticism. Of strict currency crypto like btc though. It is gambling because it is a risky bet. But compared to casino gambling it is much different. Mathematically the casino wins, there isn't much to change that outcome if you play long enough. Crypto and stocks are not controlled by one entity. You aren't guaranteed any outcome. So while it is gambling it is not casino gambling. The reason is that crypto money isn’t legalized and widely accepted all around the world. They are a matter of choice for every individual who is into gambling. Also, that means a person can be a trader and gambler at the same time. The money they win while playing casino games can be easily traded on crypto platforms

Why crypto isnt gambling.1. De ce criptomoneda nu este joc de noroc?

Ceea ce a inceput ca o inovatie tehnologica a devenit in prezent un subiect deosebit de relevant pentru tot mai multe persoane interesate de lumea finantelor. De la aparitia Bitcoin-ului in 2009, criptomonedele au castigat o popularitate crescuta, generand un interes constant si creand o industrie in plina expansiune. Cu toate acestea, exista o confuzie continua cu privire la natura criptomonedelor si modul lor de functionare, uneori fiind considerate ca un joc de noroc.

In realitate, investitiile in criptomonede nu se bazeaza pe conceptul de noroc, ci pe fundamentul tehnologiei blockchain. Tehnologia blockchain reprezinta o metoda sigura si transparenta de inregistrare a tranzactiilor financiare, care permite criptomonedelor sa functioneze fara a fi controlate de nicio banca centrala sau guvern. Astfel, criptomonedele au fost concepute ca o alternativa la monedele traditionale, oferindu-le utilizatorilor o modalitate de tranzactionare rapida si ieftina, independenta de orice influenta externa.

De asemenea, investitiile in criptomonede implica un anumit nivel de cercetare si analiza inainte de a lua decizii de investitii. Influenta fluctuatiilor pietei si a altor factori economici determina pretul criptomonedelor, ceea ce inseamna ca investitorii trebuie sa fie informati si sa aiba o intelegere aprofundata a pietei financiare. Astfel, nu este vorba doar de ghicire, ci de luarea unor decizii informate, bazate pe analiza pietei si a tendintelor.

In ansamblu, investitiile in criptomonede nu pot fi considerate un joc de noroc datorita tehnologiei avansate pe care se bazeaza si a modului de functionare transparent si sigur al pietei. Cu toate ca exista riscuri asociate cu astfel de investitii, cu o adecvata cercetare si intelegere a pietei, acest tip de investitii poate fi rentabil si sigur.

Will crypto rise if inflation rises. Vom crește criptomoneda dacă inflația crește?

Criptocurrency, cum ar fi Bitcoin, au fost create ca o alternativă la monedele tradiționale care sunt supuse inflației. Inflația este creșterea generalizată a prețurilor bunurilor și serviciilor într-o economie, ceea ce face ca puterea de cumpărare a monedei să scadă. Criptocurrency utilizează tehnologie blockchain, care oferă transparență, securitate și lipsa unei autorități centralizate.


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